Greetings Earthlings I suck at this whole blogging thing. I tweet all day and neglect facebook and blog spot. Thinking about getting a TUMBLR too. But I promise to do better. Quote of The Day "I aint concerned with who like me or who like you; that's gay I aint into liking dudes no way!" -JAY Z Jay-Z has endless wisdom. I've recently become obsessed with his Pandora station and Andre 3000's. You can quote them for days on days. I particulary liked this quoute because so often as a teenager and young adult we become obsessed with being "known and well liked" by the majority. Well, Jay Z is a millionaire and he doesn't care. I am a broke college student and I do. Somethings wrong. From today on, I AM DOING ME, [thats really all i can do], but now I am doing it UNAPOLOGETICALLY!!!!